New Current Stock: for a fast and accurate search

We are pleased to announce the refresh of Pipex Italia’s Current Stock, the section of our website where you can view the products available in stock and submit inquiries to our team. We are always committed to improving our services and listening to the needs of our customers, which is why we have introduced significant enhancements to provide them with a more efficient and satisfying experience.

Specifically, the graphical layouts have been designed to be clear and intuitive, with key information such as outer diameter, thickness, and length of the tubes prominently displayed. But most importantly, we have implemented new search filters to make the browsing experience simpler and more immediate. These improvements will allow our customers to immediately view important product information and get a comprehensive overview of the available options while also finding the desired tube more quickly and accurately, saving valuable time.

We invite you to visit the Current Stock section of our website to personally discover all the new benefits we have introduced.

new Current Stock

For any support or assistance with using the new Current Stock, please contact us at

Article written by:

 Marketing & Communication Department

Marketing & Communication Department

Pipex Italia

For more information, details or requests, don’t hesitate to contact us at

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